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2024 JEA Facilitated Events and Programs​


For Principals, Rectors and Senior Executive members of Jesuit and Companion Colleges who participate in the apostolic Mission of providing Catholic Education in. the Jesuit and Ignatian tradition.

Session 1: 29 Feb - 1 Mar    Mary McKillop Place North Sydney

Session 2: 18 - 19 Nov.         Catholic Leadership Centre Melbourne


Over 350 staff from across the Jesuit and Companion schools Australasia have participated in an online course facilitated by Fr Johnny Go SJ since 2019. Fr Johnny is the Director of the Ateneo de Manila Institute for the Science and Art of Learning and Teaching (SALT).​


  • Colloquium on the Ministry of Teaching 

Staff who have more than 10 years teaching experience. The Colloquium provides a series of exercises that lead staff to gain a deeper understanding and perspective on what makes teaching worthwhile and encourages further exploration, practical application and personal growth.

19 - 21 May:  Peter Canisus House Pymble


  • Seminars in Ignatian Leadership​

For middle leaders who wish to enhance their roles in ministry and teaching through servant leadership as Ignatian educators, in the capacity of leader at their school.

Paris Session:   6 - 10 May   Ignatian Spirituality Centre Sevenhill

Rome Session: 11 - 15 Nov: 'The Hermitage' Mittagong 


  • Board Directors Governance and Formation Training (NESA Approved)

Module 3:  15 June        Introduction Program for Responsible Persons

Module 5: 10 August     Being Responsible People


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